Home Safety Tips for Seniors

The comfort and safety of home is always important but it becomes an even bigger priority for older adults. A secure and accessible environment doesn’t just improve independence and quality of life, it can actually help older adults avoid injuries that might...

Aging in Place and Living Your Best Life!

Imagine being able to stay in your own home as you age, surrounded by familiar sights and sounds. That’s what “aging in place” is all about. Let’s explore aging in place and how community supports like those offered by Home and Community Support Services (HCSS)...

Affordable Nutrition: Healthy Eating Tips for Seniors

Did you know that nearly one in four seniors struggle with food insecurity, making it hard to maintain a healthy diet on a budget? And in a time of rising inflation, it’s definitely getting more challenging. From budget-friendly grocery shopping tips to...

Caregiver Relief Strategies

Did you know that there are nearly 7.8 million unpaid caregivers in Canada? Though caregiving can feel like a lonely journey at times, if you’re looking after an aging adult or a loved one living with a disability, you are most definitely not alone. As rewarding as...
Community Transportation Services

Community Transportation Services

Living in a smaller like Grey-Bruce offers a lot of perks–no crowds, lots of beautiful scenery and great people! But as a result, getting around can also be a challenge. This is especially true if you’re a senior or adult living with a disability and you...