Community support services support over one million Ontarians each year, including seniors and people with disabilities. Here in our region Home & Community Support Services Grey-Bruce is just one organization that is offering support services. These services help clients to live independently in their homes and communities for as long as possible, and reduce the burden on family caregivers and other parts of the health care system. As Ontario’s population ages, demand for community support services will continue to increase.

October is Community Support Month, an opportunity to celebrate and raise awareness about the value of these services and the service providers who deliver them.  Thank you for helping us with our efforts this month!


About HCSS Grey-Bruce (10 images)

Right-click on any of the images below to save them for sharing with your own audience.

Video Series
(60-90 seconds each)

General About Video

Housekeeping Video

Friendly Visiting Video

Transportation Video

Day Away Video

Volunteering Video

Hot & Frozen Meals on Wheels Video

Overnight Respite Video

Charitable Giving Video


HCSS Service Area

Volunteer Recruitment

Community Support Month